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Welcome to The WP&BC sacramento Chapter

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Western Pensions & Benefits Council History

A 70 Year History Of Serving Pension Specialists

The Western Pension & Benefits Council (WP&BC) was founded in 1954 to address the educational needs of pension specialists. Through the years, WP&BC has expanded their scope and to include education opportunities for those with responsibilities in the health and welfare fields. Today, the WP&BC is recognized as one of the premier educational and professional organizations in the western United States for the dynamic field of employee benefits

WP&BC is a tax exempt educational organization with a Governing Board consisting of all Chapter Presidents and an Executive Committee appointed from their ranks. The world of employee benefits is constantly changing. Today, more than ever, you need the tools and resources to effectively manage your responsibilities as a benefits professional.

    WP&BC Sacramento Chapter History

The WP&BC is comprised of professionals whose experience lies in the dynamic and constantly-changing atmosphere of employee benefits.  The Sacramento Chapter sponsors a minimum of four meetings each year on a variety of timely and practical benefits-related topics.

WP&BC strives to create an environment where pension & benefits professionals can expand their knowledge, share their ideas and socialize with new and old colleagues, whether their expertise lie in plan design, investments, compliance, law, administration, insurance or auditing.  

Over the years, our Chapter has maintained a wealth of pension & benefits expertise in many fields of our trade and hope that our members may serve as resources for one another.

 Thank you to our generous 2023-2024 Chapter Sponsors! 




Our WP&BC Sacramento Chapter 2023-2024 Board Members

Brian Abad

Vice President:
Scott Galbreath

Jennifer Jackson

Aaron Karr

At-Large Board Members: 
Marcus Buckner
Kathy Cannon
Scott E. Galbreath
Jeri Howell
Steve Ogden
Marcel Weiland


Chapter Administrator:
Karin LeCocq


Please feel free to reach out to WP&BC with any questions.

Membership Questions To:
Brian Abad
Chapter President
(916) 924-7527

Website Support:
Karin LeCocq
Website Administrator

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